There are an array of activities that take place in order to serve dinners at Community Kitchen. Fortunately, for those that are not Top Chefs, meals are prepared by Meals on Wheels which adjoins Community Kitchen. The precooked food arrives in large stainless steel pans stored in insulated cabinets on wheels. The trays need simply be placed in the warm bath serving station. In the past, Meals on Wheels only provided the hot lunches, while dinners were donated by outside sources such as restaurants in the community, but the pandemic and economies of scale have strengthened this synergistic bond with Meals on Wheels.
Before opening the door to the clients, some volunteers might be buttering bread, plating desserts or starting coffee and drinks. Someone has to open the trailer and supply it with food bags and protein options. Once the door opens, volunteers greet the clients and get their drink orders. In the kitchen, plates are filled with the main course and sides, while yet another volunteer delivers them to the tables. Someone has to run dinners in clam-shell containers and other supplies to the trailer where a couple of people are distributing meals and snack bags. Standing at the sink wearing a water proof apron, a volunteer is rinsing plates and utensils so they can be put through the sanitizer.
Somehow out of all this chaos, people in need of a good, hot meal are being served. If this sounds like fun to you, consider contacting one of the FUMC coordinators listed below to sign up for a shift. If you'd rather stay out of the kitchen, you can always support Community Kitchen by making a donation at their website.
Community Kitchen
Volunteer opportunities with FUMC
When: the third Thursday and Friday of each month
Thursday contact: Leroy Cline, 970-310-1226
Friday contact: Anita Williams, 970-689-0019