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Loveland FUMC is an inclusive and safe community that values unconditional love. We embrace diversity and strive to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Thanks for stopping by our site! First UMC has a long and proud history serving the community of Loveland. In fact, we were established as a congregation even before Loveland became a city!

We have a motto: Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. And we try hard to be an open and accepting congregation.


It is important that we open our hearts wide – to each other, to the Loveland community, and to the world. It is not unusual for our congregation to be found sorting through food drive donations, volunteering for local non-profits, visiting folks in the hospital, hosting a homeless family in our building, or constructing a home in Guatemala. Whenever possible, we try to love our neighbors as best we can. That often means we find ourselves in service, in this community as well as around the world.

It is just as important that we open our minds wide. We are a diverse congregation. And because we’re not all cut from the same cloth, we want to learn from one another. This is a space where people can find opportunities to grow in their faith and to learn more about the abundant and joyful life God offers us all.

Finally, it is important that we open our doors wide. Wide enough for everyone. (Seriously. Everyone.) Whether you are white or black or brown or green, gay or straight or not sure, old, young or somewhere in between, whether or not you like “organized religion,” whether you like to attend church regularly or wonder if the building will collapse if you enter… you get the idea. It doesn’t matter who you are – we hope everybody can find warm friendship, genuine acceptance, and a spiritual home in this community of faith.

On this site you can find opportunities to serve, you can learn about our various ministries, you can search archives of sermons, and more. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please call or email.

I hope you will visit soon!

Rev. Leslie Wood

Sundays at 10:00am,

in person and online.

First Sunday alternative worship at 11:20am, in-person only.

Casual worship that fosters connection. First Sunday of each month.

Fellowship is held after 10:00 worship on the first Sundays of the month. 

Childcare is available on Sundays during 10:00 worship, beginning at 9:45.

Worship Online

Click the play button below to join us for our live-stream

Click the play button below to join us for our live-stream

Sunday Worship Service

at 10:00 am MDT on YouTube or watch later at your leisure.

Altar Flowers

FUMC welcomes the addition of flowers on the altar for Sunday services.  If you would like to purchase flowers to decorate the altar, here’s what you can do:

  1. Choose the date. Click here to go to a sign up page where you will choose your date and enter your name and contact info.
  2. Contact Rowe’s Flowers to place your order (970-667-2300).  Rowe’s will deliver the flowers to the church on Saturday for the next day’s church service.  Rowe’s advises that you place your order either the Monday or Tuesday before the service.  If you choose another floral shop for your order, you will need to bring the flowers to the church before the 8:30 service on Sunday.
  3. Contact Patty in the church office (970-667-0876 or to let her know the occasion or person you are honoring with the flowers and the date; this will be printed in the Window that week.

Sunday Morning Volunteer Roles

Worship Liturgists

Help share the word. Sign up to read during one of our Sunday worship services. Click here to find an available Sunday and sign up.


Welcome people into the building and help visitors find their way on Sunday mornings. Click here to find an available Sunday and sign up, or sign up at the Ask Me Desk in the building.

Here you will find upcoming events and short term groups/classes.

For ongoing groups, ministries, and service opportunities, please go to the Ministries & Service tab.


Explore our ministries below and/or contact the church office at 970-667-0876 if you need more information about opportunities to grow at FUMC.


First United Methodist has a variety of choirs and bands. If you wish to share your gift of music,
you may find a place in one or more of these groups.


The Chancel Choir presents its musical gifts in morning worship three Sundays a month. It also celebrates with special programs for Christmas, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.  Membership in the choir is open without audition to all interested singers ages 15 and older.   The Chancel Choir rehearses Wednesday nights from 7 to 8:30 p.m.  For further information as to the rehearsal location and Covid safety protocols, please contact the director, Nicole Ceciliani at


If you would like to share a special gift of music at a worship service, let us know.


The Spirit Sounds Bell Choir shares their music once a month in Sunday morning worship. They also perform for civic functions, service groups, and in church for special occasions.

Tuesday, 6:00-7:00 pm, Choir Room (S060)

Contact: Susan Harding, 663-7113




5Ms (Methodist Men Monday Morning Mechanics)

Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, outdoor work…you name it, these men of the church do the work and help keep the church building in good repair while enjoying fellowship time together. Come join them!

Time: Every Monday morning from 8:00-11:00 am

Contact: Larry Jones, 685-9509


The Men’s Ministries of First United Methodist Church exist to help men grow in their relationship with Christ through fellowship, leadership, and mission. Wednesdays, ongoing at 7:00 am at Good Samaritan Village.

Contact: John Irelan, 970-669-5240



First Saturday of the month starting at 5:30 pm; Different Host each month,
meeting in their homes;
Have Fun & Bring a dish to share!

Contact: Kay Neckel at 970-988-6287

Y.A.R.N. (You are really needed!)

Meets on Tuesdays in West Coy Hall from 10:00 – 11:30 am. Create prayer shawls, scarves, hats, etc. for people in need. For more information, contact Melinda Bart at 970-988-5957,  or Cindy Crawley at (770) 601-2749,


The Charity Quilt Group meets the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Quilts have been given to local charities:
Johnstown Police Department
Loveland Fire Department
Loveland Hospice

Contact: Kay Neckel, 970-663-3434


Women’s Fellowship meets every other month. The purpose
is to be a supportive group and help others in our church and
community. Each meeting we have one or two of the ladies
tell about themselves & their families (short autobiographies).
We have a different local project each time (such as bringing
cans of food, clothing, diapers, gloves, money for the youth
groups, etc). We have an “indoor picnic” each summer and a
salad luncheon for our December meeting.
All women are welcome!

Contact: Darlene Lowe at (970) 667-3101 or

All Adults


Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group is a support
group for persons who are family members and/or caregivers of people who are in various stages of Alzheimer’s Disease or other types of dementia. We have used materials and speakers from the Alzheimer’s Association and other organizations that deal with aging, as well as other helpful resources in coping with the ups and downs of caregiving. We support each other by listening and sharing confidentially. Monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of the month were held before the Covid-19 restrictions, but we look forward to getting together again with safe physical distancing in place. 

Contact: Barbara Franke 970-203-0904 or


The Care Team is a team of volunteers who pray for and make phone calls and visitations to those who are hospitalized, experiencing loss, and other emotional, physical, and spiritual crises. 

Contact: Rev Lee Anderson-Harris at 970-667-0876 or


Join us Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:30 am each week for a 40-minute workout.  Everyone is welcome.  Equipment needed: light hand weights and stretch band or bungee cord. Join Meeting here.

If you would like to workout in person, join Anita on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm in Coy Hall. 

Questions call Anita Williams at 970-689-0019. 


Holy Happy Hour

2nd and 4th Monday of the month
5:30-7:00 P.M
Vatos Tacos + Tequila
270 N Cleveland Ave
Loveland, CO

It’s a wonderful way to be in a community with old friends and make some new ones from the comfort of your home. There are long time participants and several new folks wanting more connection with one another. Snacks and beverages of preference are optional and of course “byo.”

HHH an adult fellowship ministry distantly modeled on the Wesleyan small groups. They met weekly and simply share around the theme of “How is it with your soul?” Or “What’s on your mind today?  Or “What’s saving you today?” In that spirit, they covenant to make no judgments and what happens there stays there.

Contact Tom Thompson for more information at (801) 518-5392 or

All are always welcome. 


A place for LGBTQ+ and their family/friends to find peace and renewal along their spiritual journey.

For the Zoom link or any questions please contact

Andrea Ortega 970-631-2971 or


Conversations is a discussion group designed to explore various topics of interest. Facilitators and topics will change throughout the year. This is a discussion group, not a lecture, so please join us and share your wisdom. Meets on Sundays at 8:30am in East Coy Hall. Childcare is provided.

Contact Carolyn or Charlie Bouchard with questions


or (970) 481-2818


or (970) 215-0627



Meets on Thursdays at 2:00 pm in West Coy Hall. Call Barbie Clark at 970-667-7445 for more information.


Centering Prayer is a method of meditation that creates space to simply sit in the presence of God, cultivating a deeper relationship with God. For more information about this practice, see the Introduction to Centering Prayer video below. 

FUMC holds weekly gatherings for people to learn how to “do” centering prayer, discuss how their practice is going, and then share in a 20-minute “sit”, or meditation time. These gatherings meet on  Wednesdays at noon and last 30-45 minutes. The first 10 minutes are devoted to instruction for beginners, but all are welcome at any time. There is no commitment. Questions? Contact Pastor Lee at

During specific seasons of the church year, such as Lent and Advent, or other special times, you will find weekly videos posted here too. These videos give a short devotion or prompt, then open the meditation time for you to do on your own. 

Pastor Lee also recommends these additional resources:

Contemplative Outreach of Colorado has many classes, retreats, local groups, and articles. Click here to be taken the website.

Click here for a centering prayer app.

Book Open Mind, Open Heart by Father Thomas Keating, or any of his books.


Speaking of Spanish is an adult class and social community for people who want to learn Spanish. Students can acquire Spanish in an informal setting by learning conversational and reading skills. Feel free to inquire more at ​or call Carolyn Bouchard 970-481-2818.


LECTIO DIVINA, hosted by First Congregational Church Loveland
Tuesdays 8:00-9:15 am on Zoom
Are you interested in engaging with scripture not just with your head but with your heart?
Curious about how the Bible might still be relevant today?
Join us any Tuesday from 8-9:15 am on Zoom for the practice of Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina, Latin for “divine reading,” is a practice dating back to Benedict of Nursia and 6th century Christian monasticism. It seeks to bring scripture to life. As we practice it, the selected scripture is read 3 different times with a period of silence between each reading. After each reading, we are invited to engage with the scripture with increasing depth, finally listening for God’s invitation to us through the passage. 
All are welcome! No prior experience is necessary and you are more than welcome to attend just once to try it out. 
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 475 372 044; Passcode: 471003
JOY FELLOWSHIP, hosted by Trinity UMC Loveland

JOY Fellowship is a monthly luncheon and program for adults age 55+. Held on the first Wednesday of each month (except on special occasions such as holidays), this is a way to connect with other older adults and enjoy a meal and entertainment or educational program.

FUMC adults are invited to participate each month. There is no cost to attend but donations are appreciated. Contact Pastor Lee at to learn more and to RSVP for the next luncheon.



Union is a Spiritual Community for nones, dones, and deconstructors to seek authentic relationships and a deeper experience of God.

We welcome all regardless of race, ability, gender, sexuality, nationality, belief, and socioeconomic status.

Union is a collaborative ministry between First and Trinity United Methodist Churches of Loveland.

Click here for more information.


From parenting classes to book studies to seasonal events, young adults gather throughout the year. Ongoing groups include the Women’s Spiritual Circles and Men’s Group.

For the latest information, follow Union Ministry by signing up for the newsletter here, on Facebook @ Union Spiritual Community, or on Instagram @ unioncommunityloveland.




Children are invited to serve in worship as Lay Reader. Lay Readers lead the liturgy and scripture.

Contact: Rev. Leslie Wood, 970-667-0876 or


Children’s Sunday School meets during worship each Sunday, except for occasional Sundays such as holidays and special events, and during the summer. For the most current information, contact the church office Tues-Thurs from 8:00-3:00 at 970-667-0876.


There are various events and groups throughout the year. Children meet during many of the Union groups, and FUMC Family Outreach Ministry hold events at FUMC throughout the year. For the latest information, visit Union’s website by clicking here



Sunday Morning Programming

Come join us for Sunday morning small groups each week at 9:45 am in the youth range. Classes are taught by wonderful instructors with the love of Christ in their hearts for the word and for the youth. Our Sunday School classes are located in the Youth Range (downstairs from the Coy Hall Gym).

Mid High Youth Group, Sundays 12:00-2:00 pm

Life is a journey, let’s travel together. After gathering in the Youth Range, 6th-8th grade students meet for an afternoon of games, skits, snacks, and an interactive look at God’s Word. Together we will explore the Old and New Testaments for stories of God’s radical love and faithfulness and how they apply to our everyday lives. Each Sunday we will dig deeper into our lives and find our own stories of God’s radical love and faithfulness. Come and join us on the journey of discovery!

Our Adult advisors are Mariah Diediker and Bart Utley.

For more information on activities for children or youth contact Ann Kessler, Director of Family Ministries at 970-290-2796 or email at



Most summers we pack our bags, load the vans, and head out to share the love of God in mission and service. The dates and destinations vary by summer and age group. Past trips include: Oregon, Louisiana, New Mexico and Wyoming. The work we do also varies but includes: light construction, debris pickup, Vacation Bible School, fellowship with the elderly and painting.

First United Methodist Youth are also active in the local community serving at Food for All, raking leaves for the elderly and various other activities during the year.


Sunday Morning Programming

Come join us for Sunday morning small groups each week at 9:45 am. Classes are taught by wonderful instructors with the love of Christ in their hearts for the word and for the youth. Our Sunday School classes are located in the Youth Range (downstairs from the Coy Hall Gym).

Senior High Youth Group, Sundays 12:00-2:00 pm

Life is a journey, let’s travel together. After gathering in the Youth Range, 6th-8th grade students meet for an afternoon of games, skits, snacks, and an interactive look at God’s Word. Together we will explore the Old and New Testaments for stories of God’s radical love and faithfulness and how they apply to our everyday lives. Each Sunday we will dig deeper into our lives and find our own stories of God’s radical love and faithfulness. Come and join us on the journey of discovery!

Wednesday Morning Programming

Join us in the Youth Range each Wednesday morning from 8:00-9:00 am during the school year for breakfast, fellowship, and a short devotion to uplift you for the rest of the week.

Our adult advisors are Neal Anderson and Bart Utley

For more information on activities for children or youth contact Ann Kessler, Director of Family Ministries at 970-290-2796 or email at


Seniors and college-age students you are welcome to apply yearly for a scholarship.  All applications are due by April 15th to the Methodist Foundation mailbox by the church office.  

Click here for scholarship application



A place for LGBTQ+ and their family/friends to find peace and renewal along their spiritual journey.

For the Zoom link or any questions please contact

Andrea Ortega 970-631-2971 or



Latest Mission Memo Newsletter


Archived versions of the Mission Memo can be found on the Publications tab of the FUMC Loveland website.


Loveland SafeLot Parking opened in November of 2023. Each Loveland SafeLot Parking (LSP) site provides designated parking spaces between 6pm to 8am each day in order to offer a safe space to those who shelter in their cars. Together in partnership with House of Neighborly Services (HNS), they provide Resource Navigation to help individuals through this difficult time with the goal of transitioning guests to more permanent housing. 

To volunteer and for more information, click here to be taken to their website.


Each year just before Christmas, members of our congregation choose from about 40 cards, each containing the name of a child, their age and gender, and their Christmas wish list.  These are children with an incarcerated parent.  Our congregation’s mission is to make those children’s Christmas brighter by purchasing, wrapping, returning and delivering gifts to each of them.  To find out more about the program, contact Pam Erikson or Terry Gindlesparger, long time volunteers here at FUMC coordinating with the Prison Fellowship organization to make this happen.


Christmas Food Baskets

It has been an annual tradition to deliver baskets to those residents at the Harvest Pointe low income apartments who request one.  A couple of church families also receive a basket.  Most recently, the baskets have contained 3 Christmas trees made from plaid fabric and a King Soopers gift card for $100.  The program has been funded through the Kings Soopers Community Rewards Program.  You can find out more about signing up for the rewards program on the Give & Support tab.


Volunteers Offer Real Help for Hurting Children, is a program that offers counseling, education, and support for those who do not have financial resources or reasonable access to help after experiencing loss, such as death, divorce, incarceration of a parent, etc. In addition to adult grief/loss classes, Bev trains competent and dedicated volunteers to teach classes for children who are experiencing such loss. Our volunteers range in age from 15 to adult. We meet monthly for continued training and support. Research shows that early intervention after a loss can help prevent a host of issues, such as complicated grief, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety, suicide, addiction, developmental disruption, etc., that can develop in people (particularly children) who receive no help after a loss. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to provide loving support for those who need it most.

Contact: Mary Camp at 970-203-4688

Resource Library


Serves dinner daily and breakfast weekdays for homeless and low income families

FUMC members volunteer to serve dinners the third Thursday and Friday of each month

For more info, contact: Anita Williams, 970-689-0019


The Food Bank has three facilities, two Food Shares located one each in Loveland and Fort Collins where clients go to pick up their food, and a warehouse located just east of the airport. Each location has plenty of opportunities to volunteer, be it bagging produce, sorting bread, delivering food to clients or even preparing meals in the kitchen in the warehouse. Volunteer shifts usually last about two and a half hours.  To volunteer for or donate to the Food Bank, visit their website at Many members of our congregation are already regulars and occasionally a group from the church will volunteer.  If you have an interest in volunteering with a group, send an email to the Missions Committee at


Volunteers from FUMC have been helping to build houses for deserving families since 1987.  Recipients must be income qualified to receive a zero interest loan which is paid back over time based on their ability to pay.  In addition, they must provide “sweat equity” in the form of 250+ hours of work on Habitat’s job sites.  For more information, read the article in the Mission Memo or visit Habitat for Humanity.


Join the FUMC Habitat for Humanity Faith Build Team

There are normally at least two opportunities a year to volunteer with our FUMC team. No experience is necessary. We’d love to have you join us.

To check dates and sign up, click here.



at the Food Share after bagging for KidsPakKidsPak provides bags containing more than 10 food items for the weekend to food insecure students in the Thompson School District on a weekly basis. On average, more than 500 bags of food are distributed to students each week. Volunteers pack bags two or three times a month. To volunteer for or donate to KidsPak, visit their website at If you would be interested in volunteering as a group one Sunday morning packing bags for KidsPak, send an email to the Missions Committee at


The Mobile Laundry Truck cleans clothes for
Low-income families
People experiencing homelessness

Volunteer to help at the mobile laundry truck.  Greet clients, tag clothing bags, fold clean clothes, and return clean laundry to the clients.


-Loveland Public Library on Thursdays and Fridays


Morning and afternoon shifts are available both days


-Greet guests and collect their information on log sheets
-Help guests to bag and weigh their laundry
-Place bags on truck ramp
-Fold clean clothes and place them in plastic bags
-Contact guests to pick up their clean laundry


-Lifting of not more than 10 lbs is required
-The work is outdoors
-Standing most of the shift is required, though there are opportunities to sit
-This job is appropriate for teens, if accompanied by an adult
-The Mobile Laundry Truck will not operate on days when the forecast high is less than 32 degrees


How to Sign-up

Contact Rev. Woody Carlson at or call Homeward Alliance at (970) 460-6451 to sign-up for a shift.


Sign-up online at


Contact Tom Thompson at or 801-518-5392


FUMC has been traveling to Guatemala to help build homes for deserving families since 2016.  These trips are normally in February.  They are run under the auspices of Pura Vida.

Pura Vida’s primary focus is education.  Many Guatemalan children must drop out school to help out at home.  Through Pura Vida, you can sponsor a student through high school and possibly beyond.  There are FUMC members that are currently sponsoring children through this program.


To learn more about the construction mission trips, contact Keith Flaming.


Or visit the Pura Vida website

to find out about construction trips and/or student sponsorship.




This ministry serves as a way to keep those who are otherwise unable to attend worship in connection with their church family.  Volunteers drive FUMC’s bus to pick up riders for each service.  

This service is not currently offered as FUMC is in need of a volunteer to drive the bus.


Volunteers who pray for those who request prayer, and contact those who are ill, hospitalized, and grieving for extra support. Contact Pastor Lee at


Anyone wishing to provide donations toward relief and recovery efforts may contribute to

Advance #901670, UMCOR US Disaster and Response and Recovery

100% of contributions through UMCOR go directly to relief and recovery efforts, not to overhead and administration.

You can also donate to the Los Angeles Fires Recovery Fund through a portal created by the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church. Click here to be taken to the portal.





United Methodists and others wishing to provide
humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake
of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to

Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery

This fund will provide direct assistance to those
in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.

Gifts to support the people of Ukraine can be made in the following ways:

● Online at
● By toll-free telephone: 888-252-6174
● By check made out to Global Ministries/UMCOR with “Advance #982450-Ukraine” written on the memo line, either mailed and addressed to:

Global Ministries/UMCOR, GPO

P.O. Box 9068

New York, NY  10087-9068

or given at or through any United Methodist church

One hundred percent of all Advance contributions go to the designated cause.

The United Methodist community in Ukraine, though quite small, is actively engaged in assisting neighbors in need. Global Ministries is in touch with the church’s leadership as well as with church leaders in countries welcoming those who are fleeing from violence in Ukraine.

Meet the FUMC staff

FUMC is fortunate to have a staff of gifted leaders.
Lee Anderson-Harris

Associate Pastor

Patty Gregory

Office Manager

Karen Lumpkin

Business Manager

Kathryn Peiffer


Nicole Ceciliani

Chancel Choir Director

Susan Harding

Bell & Children's Choir Director

Ryan Millard

AV Coordinator

Desiree Aragon

Family Programming Coordinator

Matthew Utley

Youth Ministries Coordinator

Bailey Williams

Nursery Worker

Alison Williams

Nursery Coordinator

Ayla Lopez



FUMC’s Stewardship Committee asks us to reflect on how we spend our time.


Church Council Documents


Church Council Members

Church Council Minutes

Committee Report

Finance Reports


Charge Conferences


Church Council Members

Church Council Minutes

Committee Reports

FUMC Church/Charge Conferences

Approximate location of property owned by FUMC indicated on the map outlined in blue. Possible sale of this property was the subject of the August 6th meeting.

Listening Session Responses

Compiled list of responses to questions posed in the Listening Meetings

There is a different color of print for each of the meetings

The ‘/’ symbol means the same idea was expressed by more than one person at the meeting

(click the question to read the list of responses)



Click here to read the letter compiled by FUMC’s Church Council and Pastors in April 2023.

Click here to read Bishop Oliveto’s post Annual Conference 2023 reflection.

From Adam Hamilton. June 9, 2023

“I have never felt more hope for the future of the United Methodist Church.” This was the sentiment expressed last night as I met with Resurrection’s laity and clergy attending the Great Plains Annual Conference.

Despite the Annual Conference approving 155 disaffiliations, most of the delegates from the remaining 750 churches were energized. They are proud of being a church where all are welcome. They are clear that our work is to be used by God to draw people to Christ, to help people grow in their faith, to care for the people in the congregation, and to inspire and equip their congregations to serve as Christ’s hands and feet in their communities and throughout the world.

They also know that, despite claims from some in the GMC, United Methodists continue to hold to the historic essentials of the Christian faith as captured in the creeds.

There was excitement, too, as our approach to the faith seems to be drawing young adults to want to be a part of this new beginning for United Methodism. We have the largest class of newly ordained or commissioned people I can remember (nearly 50). Most are young adults who are committed to Christ and the future of the UMC.

It was fun to hear from pastors and churches that are growing and reaching new people. An African pastor serving a predominantly Anglo church in Kansas told me how they had tripled in size in the last couple of years, from 100 to 300 in worship. One female pastor working 1/4 time came to tell me that her church had grown from 13 people to 21 – her church had grown by 62%!!! Another pastor told me the church she serves has grown from 20 to 55 over the last couple of years! A lay woman with small kids shared her story during Conference reporting that, after her church voted to disaffiliate, she and 30 others from her congregation that wished to remain United Methodist started a new congregation in a borrowed space. Her enthusiasm was contagious!

There were, of course, pastors and laity that reported that their churches had gone through the discernment process regarding disaffiliation and had lost people, but most of these pastors and laity seemed hopeful too. One woman noted that the people who remained in the congregation were more passionate about their faith and that the conflict had actually led them to a deeper commitment to Christ and to the church’s mission and its welcome of everyone in their community.

I wish God’s blessings on each of the church’s that disaffiliated. These are our brothers and sisters and they will reach people our UM congregations may not reach. But I’m proud to be a United Methodist and excited about what God is doing, and will do, through United Methodist Churches in the years ahead!

The chart shows the latest data we have on disaffiliations in the US. Of those churches disaffiliating, it appears 2,000 to 3,000 have or will join the GMC and the GMC will have about 450,000 members. Another 2,000 will be non-denominational or join another Methodist denomination. The UMC will have 24,000 to 26,000 churches with about 4.5 million members.

Finance Meeting Notes

Finance Reports

FUMC Loveland Financial Information

through January 2025

Income YTD                        $ 52,287.50

Expense YTD                      $ 70,249.77

Surplus/Deficit YTD          $ (17,962.27)

Budgeted Income YTD                    $ 87,968.50

Budgeted Expense YTD                  $ 82,096.49

Budgeted Surplus/Deficit YTD       $  5,872.01

Thank you for your generous giving.  Feel free to contact Karen Lumpkin at if you would like additional financial information.

Property Sale Information

On January 31st the sale of the 10 acre church property on 57th Street was completed. We received $412,041 in proceeds from the sale. Many thanks go out to members of the Trustee Committee including Vicky Shields and Debbie Tikka for their management of this process. Rob Proctor managed the real estate transaction on behalf of FUMC and Mike Westbrook worked with the Finance Committee on the investment strategy.

There are restrictions on how the funds from the sale can be used. These limits are based on the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. We have followed up with the District Office for precise information. Essentially, proceeds from the purchase can only be used for capital expenditures. FUMC will be able to use dividends, interest and capital appreciation on our investments for any church expenses.       

– The definition of capital expenditures is, funds used by the church to acquire, upgrade and maintain physical assets such as property, buildings, technology or equipment.

– The minimum amount for such expenditures will be $1500 (and expenditures would come through Trustees/Church Council).

– FUMC (via Finance Committee) intends that the proceeds from the sale will be managed by the United Methodist Foundation through the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado. This approach will save on overall cost of investments and provide us with a professional organization on which to rely.

Our History

FUMC Loveland has been part of the community for 150 years.

The Church Comes to Larimer County
From memoirs of W. B. Osborn: “ln the month of June, 1863, a modest Methodist preacher by the name of Antes rode up to our door, and rapped thereon with his whip still sitting in his saddle. He made known his wants, informing me that he was a Methodist preacher and that he had been directed here by Captain Norton of Boulder, a fine Christian gentleman, whom I had met in the mining camp by the name of Gold Dirt in 1860. Here he was informed that he would find a Christian family to entertain him. He requested that I should announce a meeting for that evening. I did so by going to all of the neighbors and requested them all to come, as there would be but a few at most-if they all came. All told, there were 13 including the minister. The names of those at the first service in this county were: W. B. Osborn, Margaret C. Osborn, Millard F. Osborn, Milo Y. Osborn, Ella C. Osborn, Samuel Heffner, John N. Hollowell, John E. Washburn, Mrs. John E. Washburn, Winnie Washburn, and Joseph Markley and wife, and Brother Antes, the preacher. Here was sung the first hymn, the first prayer offered for church service, and the first sermon preached in Larimer County. Arrangements were made for services monthly.”

Our First Church Building
In 1880 David Barnes, on whose homestead Loveland is situated, extended the offer of a building site to any church that would erect a building in the new town. The three churches responding were the Methodists, the United Brethren and the United Presbyterian. The Methodists selected the site on Cleveland Avenue. It was dedicated on August 8, 1880. Loveland was three years old. A. N. Fields was Pastor.

Our Second Building
In 1887 Barnes Chapel was named in memory of David Barnes, “Father of Loveland.” Mr. Barnes had been killed by falling from a load of hay the preceding year. A generous gift by his wife, Sarah Barnes, made the chapel possible. She was for many years, until her death, a faithful member and liberal supporter of this building.

Our Third Building
Our third building was dedicated December 29, 1901. The “Loveland Reporter” of January 2, 1902, carried an account of the dedication. “The largest indoor audience ever assembled in Loveland was the one that gathered at the Methodist Church last Sunday morning to see the new edifice properly dedicated. Through professional courtesy, every minister in town abandoned regular service, and, with his members, attended the Methodist service and participated in the program.”

Tragically, 40 years later, the building caught fire on a Sunday morning and was completely destroyed. Thankfully, everyone was able to exit the building and there was no loss of life.

Our Fourth and Present Church Building
This building stands on the corner of Grant and Sixth Streets. It was consecrated on February 18, 1951. The sanctuary has a seating capacity of four hundred, a Fellowship Hall beneath the sanctuary, a well equipped kitchen, and a parlor with a seating capacity of one hundred. The building is of salmon rose brick, concrete and steel, as nearly fire proof as possible. It is of Gothic design.

On February 26, 1956, an educational wing to the south of the main building was dedicated, It matches the sanctuary in design. It was built on three levels. In 1976 the Florence Coy Memorial Hall was built and dedicated. Coy Hall now houses our kitchen, overflow for worship and our Youth Range.  In 2008 we completed the redesign of our Children’s education area, updating both the look and feel of Sunday School and Children’s Education.



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Office Hours
T-W 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Th 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Email Us


533 North Grant Avenue
Loveland, CO 80537

Your support of the ministries of
FUMC Loveland
is very much appreciated!

Donations are tax-deductible.

Prefer to set up an automatic recurring donation?

There are three ways to do that

  1. Contact Karen Lumpkin at to schedule automatic bank drafts

  2. Schedule thru your bank’s bill pay

  3. Click the PayPal/CC button above and select the monthly donation option (church does pay a fee)

Prayerfully consider leaving a Legacy Gift to the church

Learn about Legacy Gifts
A legacy gift is distinct from regular giving to the church and can take many forms:
  • A bequest in your will
  • A gift of real estate
  • Naming the church as a beneficiary to your life insurance or retirement plan
  • The creation of a gift annuity
Throughout the life of FUMC, our members have left these types of gifts enabling many great ministries as well as the maintenance and upkeep of our beautiful facility. 
Information About Types of Legacy Gifts:

Make a gift after your lifetime through your will or trust. This can be a fixed dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of your estate.

Retirement Account
This can be the most heavily taxed asset in many estates. Choosing this as your gift might leave your less tax-burdened assets to your loved ones.

Real Estate
Contributing property after your lifetime or when it is no longer needed can be a game-changing gift.

Charitable Trust
Trusts can combine flexible benefits including a generous income, tax benefits and a powerful gift to First United Methodist Church.

Life Insurance Policies
Paid up whole life policies can be ideal items to donate to the church.

Endowed Gifts

General Endowment
Gifts to the General Endowment fund special needs and ministries as determined by our church leaders. This type of fund is also referred to as an “unrestricted endowment.”

Designated Fund
You can designate that your gift be used for specific purposes, for example, Youth, Music, TV Ministry, Missions, etc. This type of fund is also referred to as a “restricted endowment.”

The gift descriptions are for informational purposes and not legal or tax advice. To ensure that this gift fits your particular circumstances and planning, please consult with your professional advisers.
Planning to leave a legacy gift? Please contact Karen Lumpkin at

FUMC receives a percentage of your purchases at King Soopers. Please sign up to support your church .

Log in or create an account at

Click Community Rewards at the left or bottom of the page.

Search UK667 and click enroll

Shop online or in store to support FUMC!

For assistance please call 303-698-3403

Show your FUMC Loveland pride

Tee Shirt Logo Center-compressed

Large Logo

Short sleeve t-shirt with FUMC logo centered
100% Cotton

Tee Shirt Logo Small-compressed

Small Logo

Short sleeve t-shirt with FUMC logo centered
100% Cotton

Tee Shirt Long Sleeve-compressed

Light Blue

Long sleeve t-shirt in light blue
100% Cotton

Tee Shirt Long Sleeve Dark Blue-compressed

Dark Blue Mock Turtleneck

Long sleeve t-shirt in dark blue
100% Polyester

7969 Polo Shirt Frt Only-transparent

Polo Shirt

Polo shirt in light blue
100% Cotton

Please contact Andrea at to request a shirt.

Interested in Joining our Team?

FUMC is seeking two caring people who enjoy working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary school children for our nursery.
Qualified candidates must be available Sunday mornings during church from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on a rotation basis, and also available to provide childcare during staff and committee meetings during the week, days and/or evenings.
This is the perfect job for parents, students or anyone who loves working with young children and needs part-time employment with hours that easily fit around other responsibilities in their life.
Applicants must be age 18 or older and must be vaccinated against COVID.
At least one year of child care/babysitting experience is preferred.
For questions or to apply please send your resume to

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